Monday, February 25, 2008

Finally.....a new post!

It is awful that it has been since October since I've posted anything on our blog. A lot has happened and to be honest, it is kind of overwhelming to think about catching up, but I do want to post a few pictures from on of our most recent endeavors. Some people have heard about this, and have asked for pictures but I have to explain the whole story.
Because Chad has always talked about having a dog once we moved into a house, I knew that eventually this would become a reality, although I didn't know quite how soon. A few weeks ago, his desire for a bloodhound puppy became even stronger, so he decided to do a little shopping online to see what he could find. So, he came to my work one afternoon and told me that he wanted to go look at something that evening. I quickly figured out what that something was, so we went and saw 4 adorable 6-week old bloodhound puppies. Well, that following Saturday one of them became ours. We named him "Jed" He was so cute and playful, although the trips up and down the stairs from our 3rd floor apartment for potty-training purposes weren't always enjoyable. We knew that it would be difficult to crate train him with us being away quite a bit, but we were willing to do our best. After a few days of having him with us, we realized for both our sake and his, it would be best to find another home for him. With our work schedules and Chad trying to finish his schooling as well as going through the process of finding and buying a house we felt like we couldn't spend the time we needed to train him the right way. It was hard to come to that conclusion because we quickly became attached to him, but we were able to sell him very soon after we posted the ad and we feel like he's in a good home. Eventually, after we have a yard for him to claim as his own, we want to get another Jed just like the first one, because he was so fun, and a great puppy!

I'm posting some pictures of him because some people have asked and also because he was so adorable--when I look at the pictures I miss him and wish we still had him. Isn't he the cutest puppy you've ever seen?!?


Anonymous said...

Melanie, so good to hear you guys are still alive :) Jed was adorable! Hope you are doing well!

Stephanie B. said...

What a cute dog!

maleah4him said...

Melanie, We did the exact same thing...only Casey (my husband) got TWO for him and one for me...they were SOOO cute, but so hard to take care of. We ended up giving them back to people we bought them from 3 days later. It was sad, but someday when I am home more we will get another ONE! HA! :) Jed was REALLY cute though! :):)